FTM – 100
FTM – 100
Features: * Short setup time & ease of use * Supports up to 20.000 people face template with recognition speed less than 1 secon /person. * It can be used for 1:1 person-ID verification or 1:N verification, including multi- face library comparison, ID and face recognition. * The system software can be upgraded by thumb drive or through the network. *and many more.
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FTM – 120
FTM – 120
The FTM series body monitoring system has been designed to automate the monitoring of the people walking into buildings, offices, malls, or schools. The monitoring system can be set up easily and to be put into operation in short time.
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FTM – 200
FTM – 200
  • Face Recognition
  • Light Adjustment
  • Temperature Measurement
  • Stranger Warning
  • Mask Detection
  • Visible Light Camera
  • Infrared Camera
  • Infrared Thermal
  • Imaging Camera
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FTM -110
FTM -110
The FTM series body monitoring system has been designed to automate the monitoring of the people walking into buildings, offices, malls, or schools. The monitoring system can be set up easily and to be put into operation in short time.
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